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March 23, 2009


I love your studio. I, too, have to keep fabrics out in plain view because as they say "outta sight, outta mind". You could make a little "curtain" to keep the fabrics covered while you aren't in the room by simply hanging a dark piece of fabric over the front.

How did you get the fabric all folded the same? I am having a hard time with mine as they aren't all the same size.

What do you save? The smallest size being???? And, how? I have those in baskets, but, once again, out of sight, out of mind...

lovely seeing a beautiful studio!!!

That cupboard--total droolification. Thank you for sharing! And I love the pink and aqua color scheme of your studio. Yumtious!

I love your studio--it is awesome! The wonderful choice of fabics you have is incredible. I can understand how they're almost too precious to want to use! Loving your blog!

oh my gosh- soooo much eye-candy here!!! I love those two little love-birds. I don't know how you ever leave your studio- sooo much cool stuff! (oh, and thanks for the link!)

Made it to the end - happily. Your studio and stash are awesome.

Hi, I hopped over from Sharon's blog... I know exactly what you mean.... I've made that soup! It's good though... Too funny about the Shreik reference.... I can see it all now! LoL....
Your cupboard is soooo cute! I need to re-read and research your blog... where in Japan are you? And are you in the service/civilain employee? Just wondering. My DH and I met in the Navy in Japan. Yokosuka to be exact! Way back in 1975! I feel soooo old now I've told you that! Funny! Still not retired though!
Best get to using your fabric kid... don't want it all to fade away!
Oh, one other thing! My grandson has one of the car mats... I helped my daughter make it for him... He Loves It! Of course our son did too when he had one as a kid!

It is all very beautiful and it would be a creative nudge to work in your room. I am going back now to admire the pics some more.

All that fabulous fabric makes me giddy! I wish my hubby would understand that a stash of fabric can be a good thing. He calls me a "collector". Which I am MOST of the time but fabric is more that a resource than something I'm saving....well maybe I am saving it but it's mine. I think he's just jealous :)

Lovely cupboard! Really cute and what a fabric stash!!!!

Love love love your cupboards. Both of them!

Hey, you do ww, too? I made lifetime over a year ago, and I still go to meetings to see my pals and keep under goal. I'm a huge ww fan.

And can I ask the brand and name of that lurvely pink paint color? If you don't know or don't want to have to check, that's fine. Just thought I'd ask in case you have it easily accessible in your mental files.

Love the pretty fabric all spaced out in your cabinets. So very pretty. I can see why you have a hard time using it...but you make the most lovely things so don't be afraid to just make that first cut! Adorable quilt. What a great birthday gift for a little one. Love your cute etsy purchases too.

You are KILLING ME with the cute. Seriously your shots of the room are wonderful. I could cry its so cute. And inspiring.

This post made me happy :)

As usual I love your sewing room photos. Your fabs are stacked up so nicely there. Love your new purchases too. And step away from the Easter Candy. lolol
Your soup is probably yummy once you get over the green look. :-)

Your creative space is so inspiring! I only hope I can make my creative space half as sweet. ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic

Wow! I need that guess your weight sign! And how do you fold your fabric so neatly?

I love your sewing room. It is so chipper!

My goodness Jen. I feel the same way as Sherri. So much fabulous eye candy in that post. I just want to come sit for awhile in your studio.

I, too, have the same problem with not wanting to cut into fabric. It drives me crazy, and I'm trying to be better. I find if I buy a fabric specifically for a project, I seem to be okay cutting into it. If I buy just because I like it - then I have problems. But it's still crazy.

I just ooh and aah every time you show pictures of your wonderful sewing room and's just lovely!

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